SPRA and The Friends of Shirley Library
We believe that the SPRA Committee’s position to this point, to remain neutral about the Library closure, was well-reasoned and based on the information available (the library usage figures and the building condition survey). However Committee members were conscious of the strength of feeling on the part of a section of the community. This prompted SPRA to help facilitate some early networking amongst the Friends and to offer the SPAN magazine’s pages to publicise the group’s activities (an opportunity which has been taken up). It also provided expert advice through a third party on the issue of the covenants.
SPRA wishes publicly to recognise the not insignificant efforts made by the Friends to mobilise support to retain the Library. It has been no small achievement to have launched and sustained a campaign that has now gathered from across Shirley more than 2,500 signatures for its petition, from a standing start in a short period of time. The SPRA committee wishes therefore to congratulate all those Friends volunteers who have contributed so far to this effort. The support for the petition thus indicates a large body of support in favour of fighting for the Library – many of those signatories will be members of SPRA.
As a membership organisation, we are responsive to and answerable to our members. This being the case, your Committee has discussed once again its position in relation to the Library. Mindful of the support for the Friends’ efforts and the views of a good number of our members, the Committee has resolved to withdraw its position of neutrality. SPRA is now fully supportive of the campaigning efforts of the Friends group and it will discuss with the Friends of Shirley Library how it can further assist them in their aims. For those people wishing to sign the online petition launched by the Friends, the link is below
SAVE OUR SHIRLEY Library, the Heart of Our Community – Croydon, United Kingdom · Change.org
Geoff Flook
On behalf of the SPRA Executive Committee