Shirley South – Ward Panel

Shirley South
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Policing Area.

Shirley South Crime Data

What is a Ward Panel
The Shirley South Ward Panel is a group of community members who either live or work in the area, together with partner agencies, such as councillors, resident associations and neighbourhood watch, that meet with the local police Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) at least every 3 months to set local SNT ward priorities and then hold the SNT to account for their actions and progress in addressing the agreed priorities.

The Role of the Ward Panel
At the panel meetings, members have the opportunity to raise and discuss local crime reports, concerns and issues that are affecting the local community directly with the SNT officers. In reporting these issues and concerns, local residents will be helping to shape and deliver the local  police priorities. It is important that the wider views of local residence are canvassed through various means in order to involve all sections of the local community and the local police as part of a continuous cycle of feedback, review and action.

Joining the Ward Panel
If you are considering joining the Shirley South Ward Panel and would like further information please contact the Shirley South SNT as detailed below.

Reporting Concerns
You can report local crime issues or concerns directly to the local SNT, email: or if you wish to stay completely anonymous you can report your concerns to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, who will then relay the information on to the Shirley South SNT.

Shirley South Ward Panel Priorties

Current priorities agreed with the Shirley South SNT

Note: The first priority is set by the MET Police,

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