Data Privacy 2024

Spring Park Residents Association Data Privacy Policy 2021

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliant

Members’ details for SPAN distribution

SPRA’s Road Stewards record names and addresses of members who have paid the current year’s membership fees on the SPRA Subscription form. They maintain this information in order that we can deliver copies of SPAN, our magazine, to all members.

The Road Stewards pass a copy of the Subscription form to the Membership Secretary to enable the Subscription forms numbers to be reconciled with the payments into the SPRA bank account and to inform the SPAN Delivery Database Administrator of changes to delivery numbers.

This information is not revealed to third parties.

This Information is used ONLY for the distribution of the SPAN magazine, to record the subscription payments and is retained for seven years to comply with HMRC requirements.

Members’ details for SPRA Communication

SPRA members may register on the SPRA website to receive news from SPRA.

The data: name, email address and phone number, is collected by a third party, Mailchimp, and is not held by SPRA.

This information is used ONLY so that members can be contacted with information related to the SPRA area.

Mailchimp hold this mailing list on SPRA’s behalf and broadcasts SPRA emails to those who have opted in to receive the communication.

Mailchimp is an American company which agrees to abide by British GDPR laws as they operate in the UK.

They do not pass on your information to third parties.

Mailchimp tracks an individual’s online behaviour, as this is useful information for the company and their other clients. This tracking device does not identify an individual personally but helps to provide internet advertisers with statistics.

Zone and Road Stewards’ details

An electronic spreadsheet database is maintained of all name and address details and phone numbers of all Zone and Road stewards and the road allocations to which they deliver the SPAN magazine

This information is not revealed to third parties.

This Information is used ONLY for the distribution of the SPAN magazine and circulated to all those involved in the distribution of the SPAN magazine. SPRA holds this information so that we know how many copies of SPAN are required for SPAN delivery purposes.

The database also indicates the year the person became a Zone or Road Steward.

This information is used ONLY so that honorary membership can be granted when it falls due.

The database also records the email address of the Zone and Road Stewards.

This information is used ONLY so that the Membership Secretary can contact the Zone and Road Stewards with queries related to subscription payments.

Additionally this information is used so that the Zone and Road Stewards Secretary can contact individual Zone and Road Stewards with information related to the distribution of the SPAN magazine.

The Membership Secretary maintains this information secure and electronic files are password protected.

SPAN advertisers

The SPAN advertising team holds the name, address, telephone numbers (landline and/or mobile) and email addresses of all Advertisers

The SPAN team will not reveal any of this information to third parties.

The information is used ONLY for contacting advertisers with regard to their advertising requirements and invoicing, to provide financial information to the SPRA Treasurer each year and is retained for seven years to meet HMRC requirements

The SPAN team will only hold the advertiser contact details provided, for as long as the advertiser has an active business relationship with the magazine, or has given permission to retain it for longer.

Information is maintained electronically and on paper. All paper files are kept securely, and all electronic files are password protected.

Members’ details for Subs Payments by Electronic Transfer

SPRA’s members who have paid the current year’s membership fees by Electronic Transfer record their name, address and phone number on the SPRA Electronic Transfer Confirmation form. They pass the Electronic Transfer Confirmation form to their Road Steward.

The Road Stewards pass the Electronic Transfer Confirmation form to the Membership Secretary.

This information is not revealed to third parties.

This Information is used ONLY to help reconcile the Electronic Transfer payment with the SPRA Bank Statement.