- Natasha Irons MP
- Labour MP Croydon East
- Telephone 07387 752 424
- natasha.irons.mp@parliament.uk

Neil Garratt Assembly Member
Telephone 07395 361 258
City Hall, SE1 2AA

Executive Mayor of Croydon
Jason Perry
Telephone 020 8667 8288

Cllr Jason Cummings – Shirley South Ward
Cabinet Member for Finance
Telephone 020 8651 2575

Cllr Scott Roche – Shirley South Ward
Cabinet Member for Streets and Environment
Telephone 07783 152 370

Cllr Sue Bennett – Shirley North Ward
Deputy Civic Mayor
Telephone 020 8768 0561

Cllr Richard Chatterjee – Shirley North Ward
Telephone 07710 183 564

Cllr Mark Johnson – Shirley North Ward
Telephone 07716 092 484
To arrange an appointment with Shirley South Cllr Jason Cummings or Cllr Scott Roche contact them on the above numbers to arrange a mutually convenient time and location.
Shirley North surgeries for Cllr Sue Bennett, Cllr Richard Chatterjee and Cllr Mark Johnson, are held on the 3rd Saturday of every month (except December) from 10am – 11am at the Longheath Community Care and Church Centre, 49A Longheath Gardens, CR0 7TD.
(Surgery location)